Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Infinite XP in Skyrim

You can attack the Jarl Run white, infinite xp to gain and without consequences. This is only tested for single-handed, two-handed skill and stealth. All you have to do is go Dragon Reach, and confirm the Jarl. To creep, crawl behind the Jarl, when you look away for years, they attack him. If you space your attacks for a few seconds, depending on how crazy he is, you will not get in trouble for. He is immortal, can continue indefinitely to do. If the attacks continue, you will get a cut and attacked by people in the room.

There is a similar method using mere shadow, the video will be explained below.

Update: Infinite XP

With the new patch, the book can only be used twice on the shelf then shut off the shelf.

That said, however, found that the chest in your house to the same effect. Like the library, the menu of the chest, go into your books and read the Oghma Infinium, select the path and exit. Then, without closing the chest menu, hold the book and get it out. Open the chest up, pick up the book, and repeat the process again.

Unlike the library, not asked, or ask if you want to read the book, since we want in the chest. If your chest is empty, then it is really the fastest way to level up.

Video to learn (make sure you use a box instead of a library)

Having a home and all the house for free updates

Alternative Video:

Armor Duplication

This is a small problem in the game that lets you duplicate your armor pieces with the use of mannequins. If you own mannequins, just buy the house (25,000 gold) and has enough of the models appear. Then you just post what you want armor on the mannequin. Before you exit, all weapons you only postponed. Leave the house and then go back in, and the armor must still include the dummy and you also have a set in your inventory!

PC Cheats

Press the tilde (~) to develop the console window and enter these codes for the desired effect. Note: some tricks you can use a second time to disable the effect enter. The results are turned off when entering cheats. Some tricks can cause errors later on, or situations that could lead to "break" certain missions. The addition of items (except quest items) is almost always safe, as are the commands that display information (text debug attribute values). If in doubt, do not save the game after using the command and disable the autosave feature, you must hit or simply save to delete when you have finished experimenting.


Many of the tricks that worked in Oblivion and Fallout 3 will work in Skyrim. Do not forget to check the Item list Add Item Codes for the trick.

TGM - Enable God Mode (invincibility, infinite weight lead)
tcl - Enable the No-Clip (fly, walk through walls)
coc "Location" - Teleports you to that location, A Room of One's voice is QASmoke coc.
PSB - Give all spells to player
player.advlevel - Force a Level Up (no points added perk)
caqs - Complete all quest stages
TMM, 1 - Toggle map markers
TFC - Free Camera
SAQ - Starting this (note: not a good idea!)
QQQ - Quit the game
COC qasmoke - Test room (you need your items, magical objects may crash game)
tai - Disable AI (enemy units)
tcai - Toggle combat AI (freezes enemies)
tg - Toggle grass
tm - Toggle menus, HUD
tfow - Toggle FOW
kill - Kill is directed
revive - revives the targeted
Unlock - Unlock blocked the targeted
X Lock - Lock specific crates, doors or people, where X is the difficulty of the lock (000-100)
killall - Kill all enemies in the neighborhood
removeallitems - Removes all items in NPCs targeted
movetoqt - Teleport to Send Inquiry
enable player controls - activate the controls during the kinematic
tdetect - Toggle AI detection (Avoid stealing)
setownership - the transfer of ownership of the target, so you can steal
duplicateallitems - duplicate elements (target NPC or container, and copy the refid)
XXX fov - Change field of view.
advancepclevel - increasing the level of
advancepcskill (skill name) X - Raising the level of skill
advskill [state] XXX - XXX amount aimed at increasing the skills
setpcfame - the fame character-oriented set of
setpcinfamy - infamous character-oriented set of
player.modav [attribute name] [amount] - Apply modifier (+ or -) to the name attribute or skill. Skills are introduced as they appear in the game, no spaces or quotes, with the exception of voice and archery, which "speech craft" and "sniper", respectively. Attributes are things like "health" or "capacity", again without spaces or quotes. NOTE: Using the command causes Modave attributes modified to make them appear, always green, as the game thought to be polished. You can try to "setav" instead (not verified), but also In other games Bethesda has sometimes led to persistent problems.
Carrying capacity player.modav X - Set a weight
X player.modav tax - Increased Burden of X
player.modav X Dragon Souls - Dragon Souls add to your pool, you can improve your cries.
player.setav speedmult X - Increase the speed of movement, where X is a multiplier (in percent)
player.setav Stamina X - Set Stamina
X player.setav Health - Health in September
Player.setcrimegold X - Set to 0 if you want to be free
player.setav Magicka X - Set Magicka
Player.setlevel X - level SET
Player.placeatme X - Spawn a NPC at your location, where X is NPC ID
Player.setscale X - Change of scale player, where X = 1 is normal
player.IncPCS [Skill Name] - Increase the level of skills of a target.
show race menu - Opens the selection / menu customization character race. NOTE: This will be your character back to level 1 and all your skills to their original values.
[Destination] getavinfo [attribute] -. This gives a short list of information about the data attribute (health, skills, etc.) of the specified target. You can omit "[destination]". If you click on the first target with the mouse, or you can replace "player." If you want information about your character. For example: [br /] player.getavinfo light armor
player.additem XXXXXXXX "###"- Adds items Item Code, where XXXXXXXX is the item number and # # # is the amount you want.
player.additem 0000000f "999" - Add 999 Gold
player.additem 0000000th "100" - Add 100 picks
player.addperk XXXXXXXX - additional benefits based on codes from Perk, which player.addperk 000c44b8 change experienced Perk, located on the item page code would add. Make sure your skill level is high enough to stop to get it before or not working properly, add a multi-tier benefits in order.
help - List console commands
help X keywords - search by keyword, the search mode the number is included in the "help" command

Source : Cheats for gunblood

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