Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Dragon Age: Origins

Some time ago, BioWare brought the disappointing news, especially for gamers who have to wait for a PC version of Dragon Age: Origins that the game has been postponed and was mentioned by the BioWare as the successor of Baldur's Gate franchise a success in that market. Initially, the game is scheduled for release in early 2009, but eventually postponed until mid-2009 for PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles and PC. EA is the owner of BioWare said that the resignation is to boost the marketing game.

Overview of Dragon Age: Origins, you can play using multiple perspectives. You can play using a traditional viewpoint Baldur's Gate and you will control the rest of your team as a team. But it would be fun to play when you zoom-in to each character and control it from the back of a certain character and steer using the WASD keys. To attack and interact with a particular item, you just need to right click the mouse. After that, you do not need to press several times to continue the attack. F1-F4 keys you can use to change the character that you want to use or can also change the character by clicking the image on the left side of the screen characters. Given that there is a fairly simple control, certainly not going to take a long time to adapt to the controls offered here.

Dragon Age is designed as a game of fantasy role-playing game that is more aimed at veteran gamers and fans of the fantasy genre that has been used to playing with the same genre, but now is trying to find something more complicated than just a plain tale in which the good will fight against crime. Here, you will be given the moral choices and the options you choose, will open where other alternatives. It will automatically affect the storyline of the game.

You will play as Gray Warder, a member of a group dedicated his life to fighting the Blight, a form of evil that threatens the world. To fight the Blight, you have to collect the soldiers in this game and that means you have to venture into the existing kingdoms and recruit them to become your troops. It could also reminiscent of the agreement between the kingdom who have never woven before. There is one race here called The Dalish Elves have the potential to be friends. But unfortunately, their village was attacked by a werewolf and a lot of fighters who get bitten and hit by the curse of werewolf. The only way to save them is to break the curse that is destroying Witherfang, leader of the werewolf clan is.

One of the coolest aspects of the game is tactics. You can determine what needs to be done, what level do you seek or class or race you want to attack the enemy. With the right tactics and proper, then it's time for you to choose whether to attack the target directly, using special abilities such as magic or skill, change weapons or other devise new tactics. In short, you can arrange to spend a certain character of magic for protection when under attack.


How would it be if the fast-paced action game, mixed with the style 3D side-scrolling game and added the manufacture of goods MMO, the system groups and community features? Dragonica Online was that you get. MMORPG Game works of Barunson Interactive and THQ is scheduled to be launched in autumn 2009 and is rumored to also be a mechanism memilikki a friendly game for the beginner as well as many other more elements to the veterans in MMORPG.

Dragonica Online story takes place in a world where the human race and race dragon that lives side by side. Unfortunately, when the Dragon War (Dragon War), the peace is shattered and the dragon race was eventually exiled to the Aether, a remote world. With a vengeance, Elga, a Dark Dragon, attack the human world and release the evil in the land. Five legendary hero and finally joined together defeated Elga, Elga, and put into prison formerly known as the Shadow Cabinet. More than a thousand years have passed and the crime back to terrorize, ready to release Elga from his prison. Of course that means chaos to the human world. Now, it all depends on the gamer to defeat these forces and keep Elga Elga remain locked forever.

Gamers will choose one of four existing classes, each with special abilities to defeat many types of creatures that exist in the world. All kinds of attacks are still like in general. An archer will serve as a specialist in long-range attacks, while the warrior will contribute to melee attacks. Battlemages will be instrumental in removing magic, and the thieves are quick attacker type. Over time, the class will evolve and will gain strength and additional capabilities. For example, an archer will develop into a Ranger. Remarkably, the Ranger can later use the mini-gun, grenades and rockets to destroy the enemy.

The battle will be done in one of the three existing area. Field maps are an open area where you can explore these places and you will find some of the city and other openings. Mission maps is a separate battle zones where you will fight with the creatures that exist and try to solve the puzzle there. Each mission will map memilikki four levels of difficulty. Last is the Boss Dungeons which is a much larger area and complicated. Here you will face enemies who are stronger, until eventually you will be dealing with the boss. Of course you can adventure alone, but there is also a good idea when you join your friends to form a group and adventure together. With a group, you'll get a friend points, which you can change with the additional experience points in the city.

Champions Online

Kotakers would have been very curious about the new MMORPG game with a gait that would use the superhero theme as the main theme of the game. One of them is Champions Online, which uses cel-shaded design and the game was taken from the world of Champions (which is based on the game pen-and-paper, Champions). You will explore the Millennium City which is the ultimate symbol of Champions during this game and you will meet many characters from the world of Champions either good or evil.

The main attraction of the game that brings superhero MMO, of course, is when you're designing a character that you want. In this regard, Champions Online offers quite a lot of options that will surely make you stare for some time to change and create a character in accordance with your wishes. You can choose whether you want to use elements like fire, electricity or without the element. You can also change the appearance of your character, such as the face, height and weight, even up to do their own design of armor would you use.

If in most MMORPG games, you will be faced with the choice of what class would you choose, then here you will be given the freedom to create characters according to what you want without any restrictions. According to information we received, at the time this game has been completed, Champions Online will immerse gamers with more than 900 missions and five different zones, each of which will be very large and each memilikki unique characteristics.

To make the game more interesting, you can join other players to fight with the enemy. The formation of this group will be very useful, especially when you fight with enemies like the giant Megalodon, fish-shaped creature, and is expected to require about 20 people to be against it. Here, you can also form a permanent group called Supergroup. Supergroups like most MMORPG guild in the game.

If you feel you have the ability to compete with other players to see who is more powerful, you can participate in PvP combat with three kinds of fights that you can choose. There is a Tournament of Champions mode (battle between teams of 5 players), Bash mode (free sparring can be followed by anyone) and the mode of memilikki Apocalypse scenario that tells about the end of the world.

Star Trek: D-A-C

No longer newest Star Trek movie will be released in theaters and your pet is expected to be quite interesting for all people when compared to the old series. Paramount Digital Entertainment memilikki himself with the same intentions relating to the game version of this film, Star Trek: DAC. This game is a 2D shooter game that focuses on multiplayer battles.

This time, the battle is between the Federation against the Romulans, the same conflict which you'll find in the film. In the game, up to six players can play in this game and fight in a deathmatch game modes as well as capture the flag mode. If you do not have friends to play, not to worry because they can be replaced by AI. Star Trek: DAC will not have a story or voice acting by any actor in the film. Basically, you just get into the plane and immediately flew out to destroy the enemy. The various modes can be played solo, or the competition together in five different folders.

In Team Deathmatch mode, among the first casualties of 50, the group that won. No time limit given here is 10 minutes and when time has run out, then those who have most closely with the number 50 was the one who wins.

While Conquest mode is a typical point-capture game where you will control a special place in the map if you are in the existing circle. There are also two neutral points that you can find in the midst of a folder and after that point you had control, automatic enemy headquarters was opened, and you are free to defeated him.

The third mode is the Assault Mode where the game is using the system the way round. There are two rounds are available in a game where each team will in turn attack and defense at his headquarters.

When the game, you will control a 2D plane and you will explore so many places and you will find lots of unique things that you can pass. There is an asteroid full of holes and you can fly through the hole in the asteroid, and sometimes in the background, you will see a planet that is exploding. In essence, all backgrounds are shown an interactive look. The lighting effects are also given good. If you see no trace of the asteroid that is ready to hit you, you do not have to worry that your plane will not suffer damage in an asteroid collided with the former.

When you start a battle or have recently appeared in the arena battle, your ship will be very weak. But by taking a white orb, then later these weapons will become stronger and also will increase the energy of the ship you are going down too, when you shoot or you memboost plane. If you've got too much enemy fire, you will get a chance to get out of the ship to save themselves. If you managed to save himself, then all the forces that have succeeded before you get will still be there. But if you fail, say goodbye to all that extra power you've managed to get.

Magna Carta: Crimson Stigma

For those Xbox 360 owners would be very happy to receive these news. According to information, Namco Bandai will release one of its RPG game, Magna Carta: Crimson Stigma, this year exclusively for the Xbox 360 console. Created using the Unreal Engine 3, the sequel will be developed by SoftMax, game studio responsible for the development of Magna Carta: Tears of Blood, released in 2005 on the PlayStation 2 console.

The story of the Magna Carta: Crimson Stigma will use a new story set in the world who have been devastated by war, Lanzheim Continent and will involve a character named Juto man, who could not remember his past. This game will use the character designs created by a Korean designer, Hyung-Tae Kim, and will use CGI cutscenes that will also be filled with the sound to tell a little story.

Battle system used here is a mixture of strategic turn-based and real-time element. Upon entering the battle, you will not be faced with a loading screen. Everything will happen immediately in the same environment and there are parts of the environment that can be used by players during the fight. When the fight, players can control any character that gamers love, while the rest will be controlled by AI. There are also cameras that are free-roaming is implemented here which will make things easier for gamers to explore the existing world.

Namco Bandai says that players will take about 40 hours to finish the game for this game, and Namco also gave few details on how to play. Each time you defeat a monster, you'll get Kamonds which will be used to strengthen your arms and also produce new goods. Each weapon is in the Magna Carta: Crimson Stigma has a different fighting style, which, according to Namco Bandai, will offer a number of special abilities to weapons-related. Some special moves will require precise timing in pressing the button and after you get into over-drive mode, you can beat up your enemies with amazing moves. To add variety here, there are also elemental magic system called KAN. These tactics can you use when you're fighting and can be used to manipulate the things around you.

Estimated time of release is approximately 9 months of 2009. Follow this game review in greater detail in KotakGame.

Lost Planet 2

When Lost Planet first get into the gaming world about two years ago, this game really presents a dazzling graphics and even give you many other unique elements in it. Well, the sequel to Lost Planet will not lose those elements. In fact, according to the information we get, instead of all these elements will be further developed so that it will be more exciting. Lost Planet 2 will present the multiplayer game as much as four people, a customization option, the fight with Akrid monsters are much larger and much more.

If in the first game is a game with single player and the storyline is completely controlled by someone, Wayne, then the Lost Planet 2, the main idea is a story about someone who disappeared along with the snow had melted.

Campaign on Lost Planet 2 is designed for multiplayer games, which means there will be no particular character who will lead the fight. Instead, you will be adventuring in a small group of four people and all characters will be controlled by the player. If you do not have enough friends to control the character, then the remaining characters will be controlled by a computer. This group is a group of snow pirates who are fighting to gain control of the planet that was once frozen and now is filled with forests and deserts.

This campaign will be followed by other pirates snow in six episodes. At first, perhaps the story in this game will feel strange and unrelated, but for gamers who play his first game until the end, would be able to see the thread that connects between the existing episodes.

Shown in the demo game, seen a group of snow pirates that are moving quickly to use a boat before finally reaching the mainland. The group immediately goes into the woods. Here, you'll get a new feature that is running. While the equipment you use, it will still remain the same as the first Lost Planet. KameraƂ system used was close camera system. This system allows you to see clearly the state of the forest all around you, which is one element that stands out in this game.

Although the world is no longer frozen, thermal energy (which you use as a tool for survival) will play an important role to be saved. Ranging from weapons to armor and energy shields, all using the thermal energy. Later you will also get a new shield that shield support that you bring and you can use as a means of protection.

After passing through the forest, the group met with a huge Akrid boss. The fourth person is immediately dispersed to defeat the bosses. There is a direct jump to the back to attack the most prominent horns, the second man fled to a place some distance away and use the grenade attack and the third person of the group is constantly exposed to attack from the monster before he finally decided to use the robot. According to Capcom, there will be a robot or vehicle can be driven by more than one person. Capcom said that was not the biggest boss in this game. Amazing is not it?

Dead Rising 2

Who is not familiar with Dead Rising, a game full of zombies everywhere. Unlike Resident Evil where the zombies are limited and can still be counted on the fingers, Dead Rising gives you an opportunity to party with the zombies whose numbers beat half of the total population of Jakarta. Here, you can make any weapon. Starting from the bucket, sticks, toys, shower heads and many other items that you can find.

In the latest sequel, Dead Rising 2, Capcom will again bring all these elements into it, more developed again and even add more of other elements. But not for the main character (probably already tired and wanted to stop messing around with the zombie times yes). Capcom will not bring Frank West and Willamette Mall to the sequel. Now, turn to Chuck Greene and Fortune City to be surrounded by thousands upon thousands of zombies. The difference again, Chuck Greene is not a journalist and as a result, you will not be carrying a camera as well as Frank West. In place of the camera, Chuck will use the motor.

Dead Rising is not called if there are no unique weapons, unique in his game. From the information we received, there are weapons in the form of roulette rounds, chair or baseball bat. Costumes that are here have a function. Namely to change the appearance. Is that right? The answer is no. There are some costumes that after you use it later, Chuck will have the ability to do something unique. One of them is a deer mask. You can wear it on your head, then you can start the zombie gore-strewn it, like a stag that is being demonstrated prowess.

Weapons that would be the best friend here is a chainsaw. Sometimes you will find a tool that paddle one end fitted with a chain saw or motor in which the handle bar attached chainsaw. There are also a propane gas tank that you can turn into an explosive. Her unique weapon?

Well, beyond that, look at Dead Rising 2 is still not too different with Dead Rising. At the top right corner, you will see a weapon slot that you can drive around to pick a weapon. You will be collecting PP to level up and the producer of Dead Rising 2, Keiji Inafune, also mentioned that the team responsible for developing this game has been trying very hard to provide a thrilling atmosphere.

For those of you who look at and consider in detail the Dead Rising 2 will surely realize that this game does not have entirely the same graphic style. This is because, the studio that developed the game, Blue Castle Games, is the company responsible for the new techniques used in this latest sequel.